HYD_scs_duh(): Synthetic Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph according to SCS

Calculate the Synthetic Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph according to Soil Conservation Service (SCS).

©WETpython, 2015
\begin{equation} T_l = 0.6 \times T_c \end{equation} \begin{equation} T_p = \frac{D}{2} + T_l \end{equation} \begin{equation} T_r = 1.67 \times T_p \end{equation} \begin{equation} T_b = T_p + T_b \end{equation} \begin{equation} D = 0.133 \times T_c \end{equation} \begin{equation} q_p = \frac{2.08 \times 10^{-6} \times A}{T_p} \end{equation} Where,

  • $T_l$, time lag - $h$
  • $T_p$, time to peak - $h$
  • $T_r$, recession limb time - $h$
  • $T_b$, base time - $h$
  • $T_c$, concentration time » HYD_kirpich_tc() - $h$
  • $D$, unit excess rain-fall - $h$
  • $q_q$, Synthetic Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph peak flow - $\frac{m^3}{s}$
  • $A$, Watershed area - $m^2$

  • Module: Hydrology
    Function: HYD_scs_duh(l,s,area)
    Definition of variables:
    • l, river lenght - m;
    • s, river slope - m/m;
    • area, watershed area, m2.
    Sample code:
    from Hydrology import *
    l = 69200 # (m)
    s = 0.00387 #(m/m)
    area = 225*10**6 #(m2)
    (tc, d,tp,tr,qp, duh) = HYD_scs_duh(l,s,area)
    print("tc:", tc, "h") # concentration time
    print("d:", d,"h") #
    print("tp:", tp,"h")
    print("tr:", tr,"h")
    print("tb:", tp+tr,"h")
    print("qp:", qp,"m3/s")
    time = 0.0
    print ("***Synthetic Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph***")
    for i in range(len(duh)):
        print("time|flow (h|m3/s):",time,"|", duh[i])
        time += d
    tc: 14.479812877695796 h
    d: 1.925815112733541 h
    tp: 9.650795282984248 h
    tr: 16.116828122583694 h
    tb: 25.767623405567942 h
    qp: 48.49341285118252 m3/s
    ***Synthetic Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph***
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 0.0 | 0.0
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 1.925815112733541 | 9.676855077580308
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 3.851630225467082 | 19.353710155160616
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 5.777445338200623 | 29.030565232740926
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 7.703260450934164 | 38.70742031032123
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 9.629075563667705 | 48.38427538790154
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 11.554890676401246 | 42.76424062705119
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 13.480705789134788 | 36.9697166285001
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 15.40652090186833 | 31.175192629949013
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 17.33233601460187 | 25.380668631397928
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 19.258151127335413 | 19.586144632846842
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 21.183966240068955 | 13.791620634295757
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 23.109781352802496 | 7.997096635744673
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 25.035596465536038 | 2.2025726371935885
    time|flow (h|m3/s): 26.96141157826958 | 0.0

    ©WETpython, 2015