WaterPy aims to development of a Python library for water and environmental engineering.
This is a free library for any use.
Collaborations and contributions to the project with new modules or functions, improvement of the existing code, are most than welcome.
If interested, please contact or submit your Python code, with a file with the following information to be included in WaterPy blog:
- An explanation of the function to be included in the section "About" of the function page;
- A simple "sample Code" easily read;
- Finally, the expected "Result" .
New modules water and environment can be created and included in the library.
Any question or suggestion please Contact Us.
WaterPy thank you in advance for your contribution and support.
WaterPy thank you in advance for your contribution and support.
Get the library at https://github.com/dmgsantos/WaterPy
For any question: Contact Us
Developed by: Davide Manuel dos Santos